Wednesday, July 31, 2019


c)Is there evidence for market failures or government failures in the provision of public services, merit goods and control of demerit goods in Sub-Saharan Africa? Discuss (30 marks) Market failure is a circumstance in which private markets do not bring about the allocation of resources that best satisfies society’s wants. Government failures are inefficiencies of the public sector. Public goods are goods that would not be provided in the free market system, because firms would not be adequately charge for them.Merit goods are goods that are deemed as necessary for consumption by the state and if left to the private sector only, such goods would be under-consumed . Demerit goods are goods and services whose consumption is considered unhealthy, degrading or otherwise socially undesirable due to the perceived negative effects on the consumers. Such goods are deemed as unnecessary for consumption by the state. Most of the countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa like Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa are operating under a mixed economy. A free-market on its own can’t best allocate resources in a best way that satisfies the society.Market failures would arise as the invisible hand on its own can’t provide adequately for the society. S d1 Qp a c d2 Costs and benefits Output External benefit Welfare loss because merit goods tend to be under consumed by the free market b Qs 0 Merit goods provide externalities but if left wholly to the private sector, it is likely that merit goods will be under consumed. In most Sub-Saharan African countries such as Zimbabwe, Namibia and Zambia, the private sector provides education at high costs which results in the under-consumption of the good.Most Governments often provide merit goods for free but when considering Sub-Saharan African countries, this has not been in practice, for instance, public schools in Burkina Faso have since been experiencing high charges of fees. This often results in welfare loss as illustrat ed by the diagram below: Welfare loss caused by under-consumption of merit goods As shown by the diagram above, under-consumption of merit goods in Sub-Sahara Africa results in the loss of welfare of ABC. Moreover, merit goods are often provided by the state, thus, to increase consumption of merit goods, the state has to increase spending on such goods.This has been practically impossible for most Sub-Saharan African countries as they have no incentive for spending on merit goods. For instance, countries such as Somalia, Burundi and Uganda. In most Sub-Saharan African countries the invisible hand and the state have since failed to control the consumption of demerit goods. The consumption of demerit goodscan lead to negative externalities which causes a fall in social welfare. The free-market often fails to control the consumption of demerit goods as it may fail to take into account the negative externalities of consumption (social cost exceeds private cost).This may be due to imperf ect information as information is a commodity that costs to obtain. For example, methods of conveying information to customers is rather poor in Africa than in European countries. Furthermore, Governments may fail to control consumption of demerit goods due to a number of reasons. For example, the government may decide to intervene in the market for the regulation of demerit goods and impose taxes on producers or consumers. This often raises prices and may produce detrimental effects to the economy like inflation in the long-run.This may restrict government from taking such decisions . In South Africa, there has been a proposal for the ban of advertisement of alcohol but it has been a failure since many alcohol producing companies have been responsible for sponsoring most sporting activities. Costs and benefits Social cost External costs {negative externalities} Private costs Limited information full information D2 D1 0 Failure to regulate consumption of demerit goods results in wel fare loss. This is illustrated below: Output Q1 Q2 Q3 Welfare loss due to unregulated consumption of demeritsAs shown above, the social optimal level of consumption would be q3, an output that takes into account the information failure of consumers and also negative externalities. There are also some government failures in Sub-Saharan Africa. Governments are awarding subsidies to firms but this may protect inefficient firms from competition and create barriers to entry for new firms because prices are kept artificially low. Subsidies and other forms of assistance by the governments cause moral hazard. Most Sub-Saharan African countries are subsidizing firms that produce fertilizer as a way of achieving long term food securities.This causes barriers to new firms which might want to produce fertilizers, as they can’t withstand the competition due to low production costs enjoyed by the existing firms. More so, there is evidence of government failure caused by rent seeking. Most Governments in the Sub-Saharan countries are in charge of controlling natural resources. This causes barriers to entry in industries that require the use of natural resources like minerals. The government will now be a monopoly in that industry and it may fail to allocate resources in the most socially desirable manner.Most Sub-Saharan countries are still developing they are bureaucratic which is very slow in decision making. This causes most governments to be inefficient as it takes time for firms and institutions to be given the permission to produce goods and services. Such goods and services might be merit or public goods and services. For example, the decision to allow Econet in Zimbabwe was slow meaning that it would rather take long for Zimbabwean citizens to enjoy the telecommunication services to be offered by Econet.In Zimbabwe there is unfair distribution of some merit goods like education, for instance, universities or tertiary education institutions. In Manicaland there are no state universities as compared to other regions such as Mashonaland, Masvingo, Midlands and Matebeleland. Examples of such universities in the favoured regions include University of Zimbabwe, Midlands States University and others. When it comes to the government provision of public services in countries like Zimbabwe, there is an unequal distribution of such services.For instance, politicians may use funds which should be assigned to produce public services to campaign. Therefore they may increase spending on public goods and services in some regions at the expense of other regions in a bid to gain political millage in such regions. However, the governments of Sub-Saharan African countries have not completely failed to provide public services, merit goods and control of demerit but have intervened in correcting market failures. Some Sub-Saharan African countries have been successful in banning the consumption and importation of cocaine which is a harmful drug.They are also c ontrolling the consumption of other drugs like marijuana . Some governments have also been improving on the provision of public services such as road networks. For instance, roads in South Africa are better off. South Africa and Nigeria have also been subsidizing the production of merit goods like education. To solve failures such as under-consumption of merit goods such as education, the Governments of Sub-Saharan African countries can increase expenditure or spending on such services. For example, the construction of more educational institutions.In Zimbabwe, there is a current project that is running the construction of a university in Manicaland (to be named Manicaland State University). The same can also to public service expenditure by the Governments of these countries. Zimbabwe is currently undergoing the construction of a dual carriage way from Mutare to Harare. This reflects an increase in expenditure on public services. Therefore, in conclusion, there is evidence of marke t failure as reflected by Government intervention. However, the governments of Sub-Saharan African countries may also fail as discussed above.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Marketing promotional strategies Essay

For this task I have chosen to write about Ben and Jerrys and Haagen-Dazs ice cream. These are two rival brands at the top end of the market. I decided to write about ice cream because it is very popular and there is lots of information available about them. They also both have good marketing and promotional strategies. I chose to write about Haagen-Dazs, as it is the best known ice cream. It is the number one super premium ice cream with 43 % of the market share. It is quite expensive as it is about  £5 for a carton on the ice cream but it is very nice. It is made with natural ingredients and its flavours are Chocolate, Butter Pecan and Cherry Vanilla. It was first made over 40 years ago. Haagen-Dazs uses the finest and purest ingredients. Ben and Jerrys is also at the top end of the market but it is a newer brand as it was first made in 1978. It has 39% of the market share and is the number two brand. It costs a little bit less than Haagen-Dazs as well. The price is still quite expensive though as all the products used are bought from minority and disadvantaged workers. It has a more fun image and has flavours such as Phish Food, Berry Nice and Cherry Garcia. It is aimed more towards young people than Haagen-Dazs is. It is aimed at young men and women in their teens, twenties and thirties with a high disposable income. Although these products are both at the top end of the market and are luxury ice creams they have very different approaches to their marketing and promotional strategies. Ben and Jerrys is marketed as a fun brand. It aims to try and attract younger people than Haagen-Dazs. This is shown by the names of its ice cream flavours and also by the design of the packet. Haagen-Dazs has a more sophisticated image and it has a more grown-up carton. It is aimed more towards older people, for example, people in their late 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Marketing Promotional Strategies Marketing Mix and Promotion has four main aims. It is known as AIDA. It sums up the purpose of communication with customers through promotions. A companies Unique Selling Point (USP) is what they use to make them different to other companies who are selling the same things as them. Ben and Jerrys have got a laid back image but they also have a social awareness. When Ben and Jerry first started their company, they started the concept of giving back to the community as a whole. They make sure that the milk they use is bought from Vermont farmers and they buy the brownies they use in some of their ice creams from disadvantaged workers. They also give 7.5% of their profit away to help social and environmental causes. This is their Unique Selling Point. Haagen-Dazs USP is that they are an ice cream aimed at adults that uses only the finest ingredients. They market themselves as the ultimate in luxury and extravagance. There are lots of different types of media that can be used to advertise products. These are the mass media: television, radio, cinema and the internet. There is also billboards, magazines, planes and product placement. Local media can also be used and this is notice boards, shop windows and public places. These influence buyer behaviour by persuading them to buy the product they are advertising. Haagen-Dazs has a lot of advertising. They advertise at cinemas and also on the television. They also have magazine and billboard advertisements. They advertise themselves as being a luxury ice cream and have started a new advertising campaign – â€Å"Made for Movies†. This is going along with a special offer at Blockbuster videos where they offer free video rentals. When Haagen-Dazs first started in England they had a word of mouth campaign to make them seem very credible. They had marketed it as an upmarket product and at first it was only sold in upmarket shops. They ran advertisements in magazines like Vogue in order to attract the right sort of audience they wanted. Haagen-Dazs used AIDA to drip feed information in order to get peoples attention. Most people wouldn’t be able to buy it at first though because they didn’t shop at the right shops and it was expensive but after a while they started selling it at lots of shops. People bought Haagen-Dazs because they wanted to see what all the fuss was about and if it really was as good as other people said. Ben and Jerrys also advertise their products but not as much as Haagen-Dazs. They do not have any television advertising at the moment; neither do they have any magazine adverts. They have a lot of promotional evens however, such as buses that go round universities and offer free tasting days. Ben and Jerrys is often bringing out new flavours of ice cream and often has a â€Å"Flavour of the Month† They also stop making flavours that are not selling well. This is so customers do not get bored of the same thing. They advertise these new flavours in magazines and on billboards and people are keen to try what these new flavours taste like. They also advertise that they give a percentage of their profits to charity and the Ben and Jerry Foundation and this is used to gain customers. Both Ben and Jerrys and Haagen-Dazs have an upmarket image and at the moment they are the only two ice-cream brands to have this image. People would rather buy the more expensive brand and get the image that goes with it than buy a cheaper ice-cream which tastes just as good because they don’t get the image that is associated with it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Health, pharmaceuticals, and citizenship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health, pharmaceuticals, and citizenship - Essay Example Cancers are usually realized when they become obvious in an advanced stage requiring mastectomy. Also in the US women are more likely to learn how to deal with breast cancer through friends with the disease, support groups, and fund raising appeals. In Botswana because of the absence of oncology there is no collective experience of the disease or knowledge of the biomedical therapeutic process required for cure. Recently there have been some attempts to disseminate public knowledge through posters and other means, but they do not resonate in Botswana as they are copied from ones in the West and recommend unavailable screening and are without cultural adaptation. On the other hand, diseases such as HIV, hypertension, diabetes and tuberculosis are well known, so Botswana patients have to learn to distinguish these diseases from cancer. Although Botswana has universal care it is geared to grappling with infectious diseases and mother-child health. Cancer is largely unknown by medical wo rkers except in a cancer ward in a public hospital. Furthermore, even in the hospital diagnosis and treatment are hampered by staff shortages and turnover, lack of modern functioning equipment, and appropriate drugs. There is also a high risk of co-infection with diseases such as HIV. Even when some women are told they have cancer, they may self deny until it advances and they are forced to deal with it. Also even many doctors in clinics and private hospitals deny the oncology because of ignorance of the disease and/or they don’t know how to deal with it. When arriving at the cancer treating hospital some patients are distrustful because they already had sought relief from Christian an Tswana prophetic leaders without success. Many do not understand biomedical explanations so it is better to talk in terms of analogies or say things like† you will hate my treatment, but

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Problem Solving College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problem Solving College - Essay Example In problem solving one should explore all options one by one until you come across the best one. However, in general, as one gains experience in solving problems, one develops one's own techniques and strategies, though they are often intangible. The computer is not an intelligent machine. It does not have the ability to think about the solution of the problem. Our task is to provide a series of steps, which when written in a programming language becomes a code. The computer runs the code for the solution. The good part is that the computer can run the solution consistently, again and again once we have written the code, saving us from the tedious and boring work. Programs are written to solve problems posed by people. The difficulty of writing the programs is driven by the difficulty of the problems. The difficulty of the problems is limited by the imagination of the people posing the problems. Now we'll see how problem solving by programming is difficult. Programming is a complex skill that takes time to master. To solve a specific problem via programming, you need to understand the nature of the problem. Think about the solution of the problem. Then we will choose a programming language. You need to have knowledge of the programming language you decide to use. ... Depending on the nature of the task problem solving can either be easy or difficult. Let's take a very simple example of finding the largest number from a given list of unsorted numbers. We can easily solve this problem manually, provided the given list of numbers is not too big. If we have to solve the same problem using programming then it is not so easy .We will have to explain the computer all the steps one by one and code it for the compiler to run the solution. Similarly, if we have a list of numbers which is very big, say ten thousand numbers and we have to find the maximum one so it would be easier to write a code for the problem rather than going through the whole list. There are many ways to find the maximum number in a given list of unsorted numbers. We will discuss one of the ways to solve it. Our first step would be to consider the first number as the largest. We will save that number in a temporary location .Then we will compare it with all the other numbers in the list and if we encounter any number greater than the number stored in our temporary location, we will update our location. The last noted item in our memory location is the largest in the list when the process is complete. Hence, we can say that it depends on the nature of the task whether problem solving is difficult with programming or not. Similarly, we consider another example of a factorial generating program. We can easily calculate the factorial of a small number in our minds but think about a program that will return you the factorial of any number you want. It can be as large as you want because you don't have to worry about the computations. The computer is going to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example In order to evaluate the CSR of multinational companies, some quality assurance organizations conduct surveys and determine which companies are most ethical in terms of doing businesses. Recently, on March 2012, Forbes released a list of most ethical companies of the world. In this paper, ethical evaluation of a large multinational business of hospitality industry has been provided which is Marriot International Hotels. Categories of CSR For CSR, companies are generally categorized in the three main categories. They include 1. Neutral CSR This category describes that companies possess neutral characteristics for practicing CSR obligations. Companies operating under this head are obliged for not lying, stealing or cheating, adhering to economic activities etc. A large number of companies fall under this category. 2. Negative CSR CSR Negative states that some companies for a certain period of time break the legal laws and act in negative ways. These practices often put the welfare of s ociety at stake. A recent example of such organization is British Petroleum. The case of oil spill of BP caused great danger to the environment and also ruptured the image of the company. 3. Positive CSR This category includes all those companies which satisfies a large number of stakeholders just like Marriot International. ... Marriot International Hotels have made profound progress in areas such as environmental and social, economic and sustainability. Marriot International has got â€Å"spirit to serve† their associates, customers, communities, environment and they consider these stakeholders as integral part of the culture of the company and therefore they have incorporated these stakeholders into their businesses. Marriot International persistently invests a great deal in their associates and provides opportunities of personal and professional growth to their associates. Marriot International is committed in establishing and pursuing the uncompromising and highest legal standards. The company’s Business Conduct Guides provides a comprehensive detail on incompliance with legal and ethical standards, unfair competition, abuse of purchasing power, antitrust issues, political and commercial bribery, equal employment opportunity, conflict of interests, human rights, lawsuit policies etc. In th e first quarter of 2010, the company launched a program of Business Ethics Awareness. This programs intended to guide the associates about how to comply with legal and ethical issues with relevant tools and information and how to raise them with suitable leaders of the company. Apart from this, Marriot continually involves in developing programs for children’s rights and protection. It developed program named as â€Å"Marriot Human Rights and Protection of Children†. Marriott International consider this as their priority. As far as their loyalty with their guests is concerned, Marriot International provides best possible and exceptional quality to its customers so that

Citizen Kane review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Citizen Kane review - Essay Example As he utters his last word, â€Å"Rosebud†, a journalist sets out on a journey of investigation to discover the meaning of Kane’s last word. It is through this exploration, including interviews with family members and associates, that we are told the life story of Kane, from childhood as a member of a poverty stricken family, through to his move into the newspaper industry as he develops a position of huge and influential power within the medium as his personal life disintegrates. One of the most innovative and important aspects of the movie is its narrative techniques, which I greatly admire. The story is told through a series of flashbacks, and not necessarily in chronological order. In addition to this, the story is entirely non-linear in that it is told through the perspective and points of view of multiple characters (Cook, 2004). Such characters include much older individuals who have different interpretations and opposing descriptions of the protagonist. This non-linear storytelling technique which incorporates multiple narrators, including unreliable narrators, was extremely innovative of the time. Though a few previous movies had attempted this to some degree, â€Å"Citizen Kane† exploited this technique and based the structure of the entire movie upon this strategy. This is an extremely effective device and very appropriate for this particular movie. Another aspect of the movie which has garnered much well deserved acclaim is the cinematography. Welles apparently attempted to create a new style of making films, by trying to combine several such techniques into one cohesive method. This resulted in many new and innovative aspects to the movies cinematography. For example, the director employed several low-angle shots and used deep focus extensively (Cook 96). This was extremely modern and new for the time period, as the limitations and typical settings of movies

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compare the way the Aztecs dealt with Cortes to the way the Powhatans Essay

Compare the way the Aztecs dealt with Cortes to the way the Powhatans dealt with the English - Essay Example In both cases, there was an uprising as a retaliation to the enemy’s act, but after incorporating the enemy in the society. For example, Carrasco and Sessions (229) assert that Cortes was welcomed by the Motecuhzoma. The Aztec ruler offered the Spaniards with high-class accommodations, touring them around the gardens, city, marketplace, and zoo something which the people did not want. A rebellion rose up when Cortes’ second-in-command in the Aztec capital murdered a group of unarmed warriors and priests at the Main Temple of Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs, under the leadership of Cuitlahuac led a massive attack in the night of June 1520 driving the Spaniards out of the town. Kupperman (174) argues that the Powhatanss incorporated the English settlers as clients so as to learn their economic and political arrangements. This made the English think they had submitted to King James which was not so. In both conquests, there were numerous casualties. White notes that during the Aztec’s resistance, â€Å"over 2,000 Tlaxcalan soldiers and 500 Spaniards were killed in the battle† (467). The Powhatans riddled the colonists with arrows, killing 347 settlers. Divine intervention was also used to fight off the enemy. The soothsayers informed Aztec emperor Montezuma II as well as the people of calamities to come. The Powhatans hatched the plan to attack the English settlers based on their religion. In both native groups, the captives were tortured and humiliated. The Aztecs ate the flesh of the enemies they had captured in the battle (Carrasco and Sessions 231). The Aztecs carried out campaigns to capture the enemy warriors for sacrifice and humiliation as much for killing on the battlefield. The Powhatans performed rituals on the captured enemies and killed them (Axtell 67). Captain John Smith, in December 1607, was almost executed by the king after being captured. The Aztec empire used conquests, wealth, a series of alliances, forced payments of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Vocabulary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Vocabulary - Assignment Example First, the teacher will make sure that the students sit at the front of the class, where they can hear as much as possible of what the teacher is saying. Secondly , the teacher will speack with as high voice as possible and thirdly, the teacher will speack to the students individually, to confirm that they have heard and understood what is being talked about and what is expected of them. The teacher will explain to the students that they will take a test on their sentence construction skills to see how good they are in creating sentences with vocabulary. The teacher will explain the significance of this test and explain to the students that they will then get to learn how to construct senstrnces and have a retest. The teacher will explain what is about to be done by the student. The teacher will also give a brief background so that the student can connect what they have learnt in the past with what they will learn in this particular lesson. To begin with, the teacher will introduce the book as follows; Today we have a new chapter that we are going to learn. The topic is interesting and everyone is going to enjoy this. In the past, you guys learned about English vocabulary and even learned the meanings of these vocabulary. Today, you are going to use these vocabulary to build sentences. This should be interesting for you because sooner than you know, you will be writing interesting stories. The book we are going to read is not new to you but the chapter we are going to read may be new to you. I dont know whether any of you have tried to read ahead of the teacher and gone to chapter seven of 2nd Language Acquisition and the Younger Learner? (wait for the class to respond and act accordingly) After that, the teacher will ask the students to open chapter seven of the book, where the teacher will give a number of examples on how to construct senstences, and then ask the students to do the same. The teacher will explain to the students the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Insurance Law Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Insurance Law - Dissertation Example Indeed in the current scenario of uncertainties and risks, both within and outside the home, insurance in various areas of business and personal domain has increasingly become critical part of improved lifestyle (Ward, 2000). But interestingly, while the concept of insurance is similar the format of insurance, especially the criteria of framework and regulation of insurance differs significantly in Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and western countries like UK. In the recent times, Islamic insurance has rapidly emerged as one of the most popular and also a highly effective strategy to reduce financial risk of the individuals and the government as a whole (Anderson, 1976; Habshi & Othman, 1997; Ahmad, 1972). Indeed, the growth and penetration of Islamic insurance across the non Islamic countries has been seen as a positive trend in the insurance sector. The paper would therefore, be focusing on the question as to why should there be development of Islamic insurance in Saudi Arabia and UK? Meaning of Islamic Insurance Islamic insurance is mainly guided by Shariah or Islamic laws that forbid business based on unethical practices. Various products of insurance are strongly influenced by Shariah principles that prohibit gain through means like gambling, uncertainties or interest income (Mortuza, 1989; Ismail, 1997,98). Uncertainties are involved in life insurance as the outcome is unknown at the time of entering into contract and could vary. Gambling refers to gain of wealth under some defined conditions and interest income is unethical as it is not reward against hard work (Maysami, 1998; Sharif, 1997; Siddiqui, 1971). Thus, new concept of insurance emerged under ‘Takaful’ that worked within the precincts of Islamic laws. Islamic laws fundamentally rely on equitable distribution of wealth. Takaful is based on the ethical practices and is free from gambling, uncertainties and interest income (Ahmad, 2009: Anwar, 2008; and Saleh, 1986). It broadly ref ers to contributions made by individuals to be used in times of crisis or need. Rather than individuals, the family as a whole becomes the main beneficiary. Stagg-Massey (2007) state that Takaful has been taken from ‘kafal’ which is an Arabic word that means guaranteeing each other and taking care of each other’s needs. Thus, Takaful is a cooperative mechanism that promotes fair practice and spreads the risks and reduces financial loss suffered by an individual within the group. Need for Islamic insurance in Saudi Arabia and UK Middle East and African nations have lagged behind in insurance primarily because of the restraints imposed by religion and the prevalent poverty of the region. The development processes and growth have become major paradigms that necessitate insurance coverage. After 1970s, the discovery of oil and gases in the Gulf region has transformed the economy of the region. The large investment in the infrastructure and rapid growth in internation al trade has spurred the need for insurance amongst the working and non working population of the oil rich countries. Takaful not only facilitates the poor to survive with dignity under excruciating circumstances but also encourages ethical practices that are fair and justified (SAMA). Saudi Arabia being a leading Islamic nation is therefore morally bound to promote Takaful. In western countries like UK, insurance has fast transformed into major industry that is motivated by vested interests of making profit by exploiting the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Water Purification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Water Purification - Essay Example Boiling water as a means of purifying it is probably one of, if not the most popular and safest water purification processes. Use this simple method to bring water to a rolling boil for at least 5 minutes or longer according to some experts and let it cool before drinking. Along with the many impurities that boiling has removed it also removes the oxygen and this is responsible for its flat taste. A very small price to pay for clean drinking water, you can reinstate its taste by shaking it up or pour it back and forth between two containers to put back the oxygen. Purification using household unscented bleach is another solution, more likely if boiling is not possible. Before executing this method, you may need to filter the water if necessary. This can be done using coffee filters, paper towels or any other clean piece of cloth. After which, place the water in a container and add 2 drops of regular household bleach per quart of water, 8 drops per gallon and the  ½ teaspoon per 5 g allons of water. However, dosage may need to be doubled if the water is cloudy. (Emergency Water Purification Calculator) Following the selected dosage, mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour before drinking but an hour if the water is cold or cloudy.  Lastly, another recommended solution for water purification is filtration using commercial filters. Most of these commercial filters block contaminants using physical obstruction or chemical absorption or a combination of both. Filtration using these filters is regarded as the premier method of water purification removing more contaminants and proving more effective than other methods.  In conclusion, these methods may provide a solution for unsafe water that may contain bacteria and viruses. If water is suspected to be unsafe for other reasons such as chemicals, sewage, poisonous substances etc, it is not recommended for drinking, even if ‘purified’.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Creative Writing Aptitude Essay Example for Free

Creative Writing Aptitude Essay Being a writer is someone who uses writing on a regular basis. You have to be a writer before you can be a good writer. Its about being good or at least good enough. But students dont see themselves as writers at all because they have been structurally defined as deficient. This means that a student is someone who does not write up to a certain standard of performance with academic discourse. A writer does not simply write at someone elses command but on their own initiative. So as a writer and a student you need an independent plan into which you fit into a certain given curriculum and writing assignments. That doesnt mean you should be single-minded, but rhetoric and composition needs be a place where students should realize they need to take control for their educational experience. Rhetoric and composition have become a part of how we do things since we have been young. We are eventually taught in school the types of writing we will need to use in our everyday situations to help us communicate to others for a specific purpose and effectively. This writing informs, persuades, or explains what it is we want the audience to know or come away with. R C studies use academic essays, papers, memos, or class handouts while creative writing studies primarily create literary works. Students are not there to compare one another as writers, artists, or human beings in general. It is a way for each of us to develop our own writing style and self-expression. It builds up the individuals ability to express his or her own thoughts and technique more clearly by engaging into writing to get our mind working. Creative writing and compositions studies†¦ seem to operate with a distinct sense of a constituency for its teaching, an audience for its writing, and a function it performs† (Lardner, 770). Creative writing is a way to express what you feel inside your heart or the ideas that are in your head. It gives the writers a means for expressing their views of their surroundings and their world. Individuality exists in creative writing because the work is never the same as someone elses. It is a personal expression that comes from each individual writer at each individual moment. However, the true test of creativity occurs when the writing can be said to give readers an experience. For that the reason the writing is called Creative because it creates an experience in the minds of its readers. Examples of some these writing forms are: poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Each form has its own concepts involved with R C because creative writing uses your self-expression as a big part of development than formality. Let’s start off with poetry. Poetry is possibly the most comprehensive way we have of expressing ourselves. Poetry works at a deep level of emotion. â€Å"To feel emotion is at least to feel. The crime against life, the worst of all crimes, is not to feel† (MacLeish, 66). Poetry opens up your emotions and helps you express anything through the use of metaphors, images, and feelings. â€Å"Often the poet operates by suggestion and implication† as well (Adams, 11). Poetry starts in odd phrases, an image, a tune in the head, a deeply incoherent pain. The originating emotion still congests the lines or, in striving for uniqueness, the work becomes untidy, exaggerated or confused. So each property (meaning, association, weight, color, duration, shape, texture, etc. ) changes as words are combined into phrases, rhythms, lines, stanzas and eventually completed poems. Out of those properties the poetry is built, even if the end cannot be entirely foreseen. In responding to what has been written; feeling it, understanding it, and extending its potential with imagination, honesty and sensitivity that very fine lines, vocal use, ample sympathies, kindness of heart and a consideration for the human condition become essential. But poetry is nothing without extended labor. In contrast to the development of a delicate tension between speaker and subject, between various parts of a poem and between the feelings warring within the speaker,† there also can be a â€Å"considerable looseness and vagueness† (Adams, 15). You can either have a clear understanding of what you think the poetry is portraying or you can be at a complete loss. Poetry trains the personality needed to be an artist, an unlimited capacity to be honest and take pains. It calls for self-criticism, which becomes essential as a writers talents develop. Criticism also â€Å"hones† skills that involve the poet’s needs by close reading, clarification and evaluation. It also requires the analysis and growth out of the very development between audience response and the poet. â€Å"The poet writes to [an audience] representing artistic perfection rather than to a reader chosen at random† (Adams, 143). Poetry may be complex, requiring a good deal of sorting out, but there has to be an immediate impact of some sort that allows the reviewer to be in awe. Poets need to know whats been done before, and how comparisons may be objectively undertaken. The next form I will discuss is fiction. Fiction is most definitely my favorite. The first thing you need to know is the age group you are writing for. You can write for children, teenagers, young adults, adults, etc. This is perhaps a really important step before writing because you need to know what your audience wants and expects. After you have selected your age group then take the time to see what is out there in the age range that you want to write for. If the current rage is spaceships and outer space themes then writing about cowboys just wont cut it unless the cowboy is somehow swept into outer space. You also need to research what you will be writing about because some of the time you won’t know much about the topic you’ve chosen. â€Å"Research gives you a chance to investigate all those subjects you’ve always wanted to know about and it gives the breath of life and authenticity to your work† (Kubis, 150). Once you’ve done some research, now it is time to get started. Remember all fiction has a beginning, middle and an end. You need to start your story at the point that something happens to change it all by giving your characters a problem. It must be a worthwhile dilemma. For example, a girl who wants to move out of her parents house and is trying to find an apartment that she really wants when her parents refuse to help her because she can do it on her own is not an interesting problem. On the other hand, a lady who has three days to move out of her parent’s house is a more intriguing problem. Give your audience a reason to support your main character. â€Å"You want to achieve a character that is so real, so human, it seems inevitable that [she] does the thing you’ve determined [she] must do† (Kubis, 49). Your story should progress toward the middle, the climax of your story. â€Å"The hero had to solve the dilemma [herself], without having outside forces do it for [her]† (Kubis, 3). It should climax into a problem that is worth caring about, and â€Å"it should influence the outcome of the story†¦ [but it] does not necessarily resolve the story [only] provides information that leads to the resolution† (kubis, 113). From there you need to let the readers know how it was adequately resolved with a positive result or a defeat. Then there is view point is which the story being told. Who is telling the story or through whose eyes is the story being related? Is it a narrator, the main character, a secondary character? Once you start with a viewpoint stick with it. Do not switch from character to character. Also stay away from over used phrases. Over done phrases are a definite no. Describing something as black as night is too boring. Look for a different way of saying the same thing. You could say ‘black ink dark’ or ‘all encompassing black’. Make a list of all the overdone phrases you can think of and then practice saying them a different way. Nothing is ever said in your story that doesnt lead you somewhere. Know how to correspond properly. It will make all the difference to a readers understanding of what you are trying to say. Never throw in information that does not lead your story forward. Try to find a fresh way of telling a story by saying it again but differently. If everyone is writing about pirates it can get pretty boring after awhile if you use a similar plot line like everyone else. Find a fresh way of telling the same story, maybe from a captive’s point of view or how someone became an unwilling pirate. Use the phrase what if. Ask what if such and such happens what would be the result and if this happened what would be the outcome. This is the time to use your imagination. Get creative and see where it leads you. The last form I will talk about is creative nonfiction. Not a lot of people know what it is and it can take on different styles: a narrative, personal essays, memoir, travel writing, food writing, biography, literary journalism, short stories, etc. Its where you research a topic just as a journalist does but the writer must write in scenes. They don’t think of facts as the basic building blocks of their stories; they think scenes instead. A scene in creative nonfiction occurs in a specific place (where); usually the narrator and one or more others are there (who); at a particular time (when); something happens (what); people converse (dialog or captured conversation); and sometimes someone thinks about something. We like to see scenes in front of us since life does seem to occur as a series of scenes. To get a story from a particular subject you may have to be pokey by uncovering innermost thoughts and feelings of those interviewed. There’s highly involved research effort required that the writer should be willing and financially able to stick with a story for weeks, months, or even years. The creative nonfiction writer can’t work out of his or her memory and imagination alone, he or she must conduct research out in the real world, the raucous world, the dirty world. You should go around collecting facts from dusty records at City Hall, interviewing experts, and talking with the people involved. Also talk with the people immediately involved in the tory to flush out, and add fresh ideas, ideas you might never have come up with on your own, provide different angles, views, perspectives, and insights on the person or the topic under study. This requirement to work away from the studio or the study turns some writers away from this form of writing. Others love that side of the profession, it’s what draws them in. An important consideration before you begin to write in scenes is choosing the structure of your writing in the first place. â€Å"Structure is the arrangement of parts and all the techniques you use to hold the parts together and make it do what it is intended to do† (Gerard, 156). Most creative nonfiction writers may have a structure well in mind before writing at all because the material is promoted in the subconscious. Having the security of structure, or even just some structure, enables the writer to relax and play with any number of creative possibilities to perk up each scene. Since creative nonfiction is typically written scene by scene and is usually joined or separated by passages from a running account of what is happening at the moment, you need to study and perfect the structure. Some of these potential scenes will be embedded in the narrative synopsis, but it’s important to first identify the scenes that make up a story. The writer needs to select only those events that seem to have the greatest potential and then organize them into what seems will be the best sequence, which is not always chronological. â€Å"The hardest part of writing creative nonfiction is that you’re stuck with what really happened – you can’t make it up† (Gerard, 5). The goal is to communicate information, just as a reporter does, but in the way you construct a story. The relationship between the one who tells the story and the story itself may help determine if the story should be told in the first or third person point of view. Some say the third person point of view is the most difficult but the most rewarding since the author has to stay more out the way. In writing in first person narrative you need to learn how to get out of the way by being subjective but maintain objectivity. Just remember that you are the first person or narrator. It’s a balancing act but it has to do with finding a voice. Once the voice is found, the writer can posture, say things not meant, imply things not said, and have fun. Once you find the right voice for a piece of writing, it allows warmth, concern, compassion, flattery, and shared imperfections. You can also show something about a person by letting the reader hear him or her speak when people appear, particularly when they begin to converse, to help the story come to life. We have to learn to watch people unusually close, especially for anything unusual or distinct. Include in your report poses, posturing, habitual gestures, mannerisms, appearances, and glances. Writers frequently describe a group’s entertainment as a way to understand the group frequently looks at the way people dress. Writing about the typical daily life of a person helps illuminate a book and brings in the focus. The creative nonfiction writer can and should occasionally vividly describe the day-to-day life of one person. You should capture conversations and also show the reader how things look to your character in the world, leaving the reader to interpret what it all means. Although usually done sparingly, you might introduce your thoughts on the situation or the people. This emotional content enables you to create dramatic, vivid, accurate scenes. Creative nonfiction is the ability to capture the personal and the private by making it mean something significant to a larger audience. It also provides intellectual substance that will affect readers perhaps even provoke them to action or to change. The relationships of Creative Writing and R C to one another deserve attention in a number of ways. When we put words onto a paper, it’s our own individual way of expressing what we want to say. As I stated earlier, poetry is possibly the most comprehensive way we have of expressing ourselves. Poetry works at a deep level of emotion. The fact that poetry and prose have coincided in a long line in rhetorical study is, of course, a rewarding area of study. In fact, there’s much to be learned about audience and rhetorical situation by positioning oneself as the writer of poems. Even though rhetoricians might cringe at the idea of having students write styles of poetry, this area of study would be of great benefit to those examining the practice of rhetoric. It might also help rhetoric’s become better communicators to examine their own language to become more fluid, more colorful, and more imaginative. Also it would benefit all audiences to think of writing as a beautiful relationship of language and author. That’s if only because the process has such potential to benefit from the voices and views of others on their own journeys and might allow a fuller recognition of ways composition studies and creative writing coincide.

Picassos Background And Life Experiences Essay Example for Free

Picassos Background And Life Experiences Essay Picasso was arguably the most influential artist of the twentieth century. He had some degree of influence in all styles of painting which were used during his time, and was known and respected by almost every art enthusiast on the face of the planet. Pablo Picasso, born Pablo Ruiz Picasso, came into the world on the 25th of October 1881 in the southern Spanish town of Malaga. Pablo was an artist from early in his life he was a child prodigy. He began his career as a classical painter. He painted things such as portraits and landscapes. But this style didnt satisfy Picasso, he was a free man and wanted to express himself and ultimately leave a lasting mark on art, as we know it. Picasso turned his attention to cubes. He invented Cubism a radical art form that used harsh lines and corners to display a picture instead of the usual soft curves. Picasso won a lot of fame for his Cubist paintings, but was criticized for it also. He designed and painted the drop curtain and some giant cubist figures for a ballet in 1917. When the audience saw the huge distorted images on stage, they were angry, they thought the ballet was a joke at their expense. Cubism lived on despite this. Other artists mimicked Picassos Cubism, and it took hold. Picasso had only just begun his one-man art revolution. In the late 1920s, Picasso fixed himself upon an even more revolutionary art form Surrealism. Surrealism emphasized the role of the unconscious mind in creative activity. Surrealists aimed at creating art from dream, visions, and irrational impulses. Their paintings shocked the world particularly Picassos it was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. He took advantage of this fact and also the fact that he was extremely famous, to make a few political statements, statements that would go down in history. 1936 saw the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Fascist revolutionaries, led by Francisco Franco took hold of Spain and imposed a fascist dictatorship upon the country. Due to poor economic control and disregard for the people on the part of the Fascists, the country went through hell. The unemployment rate was phenomenal. The majority of the population were peasants and lived in appalling conditions. Impoverished gangs scavenged in fields and rubbish heaps for anything they could find. A vast horde of ragged, jobless people  wandered around from town to town. On top of this the Fascists operated as a police state and therefore anyone who opposed it would be executed. This incident sparked the most important time in Picassos life. On April 26 1937, Nazi German bombers flying under orders from General Francisco Franco, laid waste to the town of Guernica, in the Basque part of Spain, killing many innocent civilians. The bombing of Guernica was an extremely cruel example to the rest o f Spain of what would happen if the Republican resistance continued. This action prompted Picasso to paint Guernica; some say his greatest masterpiece ever. It shows the suffering and destruction of the town, as well as Picassos own horror and outrage at what happened. The painting depicts death and carnage on a large scale. A grief stricken mother is holding her dead child, a woman is burning, a severed arm holding a broken spear is lying next to a dead man and a horse, which represents the people, has been speared through the heart and is in agony. The bull stands alone, above everything else. The painting shook not only the art world but also the political world. Guernica is Picassos major political expression of all his paintings. Even though it is a single painting, it did so much. And even though it is painted using expressionism, it is still so powerful and it made people realize what was going on in Spain and struck up sympathy for the Spanish people, and hatred for the fascists. Even though Picasso only aimed to express his own horror, outrage, suffering and sorrow of the Spanish people. By unleashing Guernica on the world, Picasso achieved more than he set out to do. Guernica struck up mixed emotions. The Nazis thought of his work as degenerate art not only did it defy the rules of painting; his artwork was anti-Fascist and therefore anti-Nazi. On the other hand, the British, Americans, French etc. loved his work because it expressed, as nothing else could, the horrors and atrocities of Fascism. When Nazi occupation of Paris came, Picassos work was prohibited from public exhibition. Picasso then took on a new role. He refused to leave Paris while the Nazis were there his fame protected him. But Picassos refusal to co-operate with the Germans also made him, as a person, a symbol of freedom, of the unvanquished spirit After the war however, Picassos work was not  met entirely with open arms. In Paris, those still influenced by Nazi propaganda, violently protested against Picasso. But this wore off and Picasso went down in history as not only one of the greatest artists ever, but also a hero, and a figure of defiance against Fascism. Works Cited Page  ·Pablo Picasso: The Early Years. E-Library Article Preview.  ·Picasso and Braque : pioneering cubism : [exhibition] Museum of Modern Art, New York, September 24, 1989-January 16, 1990.  ·The Artist and the Camera : Degas to Picasso, by Kosinski, Dorothy M.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Basic Concepts And Principles In Modern Musical Analysis Music Essay

Basic Concepts And Principles In Modern Musical Analysis Music Essay Abstract: this subject is fascinating through the interpretive possibilities that it opens. The accurate understanding and practice of Schenkers theories leads to a different perception of the music and to a natural way of performing. Therefore, we consider the schenkerian analysis not only a theory, but also a comprehensive way of understanding musical works. Schenkerian analysis provides a comprehensive view of music from the small to the large representing thus a great asset to hearing understanding and performance. Key words: musical analysis, Schenker, background, middle ground, foreground, prolongation, structure 1.  Introduction The schenkerian analyses are a method based on the theories of Heinrich Schenker whose purpose is to disclose the structure of a tonal piece, through musical notations. The basic principle in the structure of a piece for the Schenkerian analysis is showing hierarchical relationships amongst the notes of the passage through making reductions of the music and through a specialized symbolic musical notation that Schenker developed to demonstrate various techniques of prolongation. He considered that the deep, long-range structure of a piece of music has no particular rhythm, so the musical reductions of Schenkerian analysis are usually arrhythmic. Schenkerian analysis the long-range structure is defined Background (or fundamental structure, while the surface aspects of the music are the Foreground. One can state the idea that the background of a musical composition is arrhythmic or, rhythm is a characteristic of the musical foreground. In the most common way, the purpose of schenkerian analysis is to omit the unessential and to emphasize the important relations. 2. Basic concepts There are many methods of approaching the schenkerian analyses. Schenker, followed by Jonas, began by describing the essential structure of music: the triad and its linear unfolding through arpeggiation and through passing and auxiliary notes, in its most abstract form. Next, they discuss the forms that these structures could have in any musical context. Schenkers approach relies on the fundamental principles of the harmony and counterpoint. Allen Forte and Steven E. Gilbert, on the other hand, began by showing different apparitions of the arpeggiation, passing tones, etc. at the note-to-note level before showing the way to use these in order to create musical forms of greater proportions. Other music theorists, for example Felix Salzer and Carl Schachter, added to and spread Schenkers ideas. By the 1960s, Schenkerian analysis had begun to attract renewed interest, and by the 1980s, it had become one of the main analytical methods used by many music theorists. 2.1. Structural concepts Fundamental structure (Ursatz) is the representative progression of which all tonal pieces are hypothetically an elaboration that Schenker believed to be (along with a number of variants) the most basic expression of tonal music. It consists of the descending progression from , or in the upper part (Urlinie) over a bass progression (Bassbrechung) that emerges in the background as part of the fundamental structure. This progression represents one of the simplest contrapuntal expressions of the I-V-I unit. Schenker described the fundamental structure as a tension span, as the tension introduced by the initial is not resolved until the music reaches the final over the tonic. For Schenker, this tension span was what tied complex and various pieces of music into a single coherent work of art. Schenker considered that any piece of tonal music can be described as an elaboration of this pattern: tonal pieces generally start with I and the V I epitomizes the final perfect cadence of the piece. Nevertheless, in a longer piece, whole sections may prolong V (Schenker called this a tonicization of the dominant) and also, there may be other harmonic sections prolonged in between the initial I and the V of the final perfect cadence, the bass of the fundamental structure appearing in many different layers of a piece. The bass line is only a harmonic progression and Schenkers theory seeks to comprehend music in terms of a two-part contrapuntal structure. Layer or level (Schicht) represents the fundamental idea of Schenkerian theory that music consists of a series of layers of elaboration. Schenker suggests that simpler layers underpin the complex ones in almost the way in which a variation on a theme supports the surface of the music. Background (Hintergrund) refers only to the Ursatz form that covers a whole piece or movement. In some cases, one can use it to refer to the Ursatz and its immediate prolongations (like the initial ascent etc.) that are usually part of the first level of the middle ground. In theory, one simple progression that spans the entire piece is the foundation on which the composer created the entire piece. First-level Middle ground refers to the immediate prolongations of the Ursatz that Schenker restricts to a small number of strictly defined forms. The background sometimes refers to this level of the structure as elaborations. Middle ground (Mittelgrund) is the surface layer of a piece of music, the background being the deepest layer, of which the whole piece is understood to be an elaboration. The middle ground has a variable number of occurring layers that a Schenkerian analysis will identify between the foreground and background. Foreground (Vordergrund) is the surface layer of the music. Schenker regards music in terms of layers of elaboration from the profound structure to the surface. Prolongation refers to the elaboration of contrapuntal structures. Schenker considered that all tonal pieces are therefore, a prolongation of the Ursatz. The concept of prolongation lies at the foundation of Schenkers theory and is the most influential element of it. Using the basic principles of consonance and dissonance from species counterpoint, Schenker identifies a number of common linear units that he calls diminutions. Because diminutions must prolong a harmonic unit in Schenkers theory, only a note that is consonant with the prevailing harmony can generate a diminution. Prolongation is an extension through time (by an arpeggio, for example) in a piece of music of a harmonic unit (a chord or a note from that chord). Schenkers analyses, at their simplest level, show how linear units prolong harmonic units. Tonicization is the Schenkerian term for modulation. The use of this term highlights the fact that a tonal piece corresponds to a contrapuntal realization of the tonic. 2.2. Melodic concepts Fundamental descent (Urlinie) is the top line of the two-part Ursatz, comprising a note by note descent from , or to . The term reflects Schenkers belief that this archetypal descending motion underlines all tonal pieces. Primary tone (Kopfton) is the first note of the Urlinie (meaning the , or ). Finding the correct primary tone is an important aspect as it can make a considerable difference to the rest of an analysis. If the Urlinie appears is elaborated of an initial ascent, the Kopfton will not be found right at the beginning of the piece. Bass Arpeggiation (Bassbrechung) literally translates as breaking of the bass, but is more often referred to as the bass arpeggiation. The Bassbrechung is the I-V-I that support the Urlinie as part of the Ursatz, including all the elaborations of this pattern. The basic harmonic progression appears as contrapuntally elaborated, normally creating harmonic patterns such as I-III-V-I or I-II-V-I. Diminution refers to the embellishment of simpler musical structures beneath the surface of the music and describes the process of linear units prolonging harmonic ones. The process of analysis is partly one of looking behind the surface diminutions, but Schenker was more interested in a process of generation from background to foreground (composing-out). Schenker used the basic principles of consonance and dissonance from species counterpoint in order to identify a number of common linear units that he calls diminutions. His analyses, at their most simple level, show how these linear units prolong harmonic units. A theme and variations is a very good example of diminution, because in this genre, the theme supports increasingly complex figurations. Each variation is different but the presence of the theme beneath the surface of the music unifies the whole work. Arpeggiation (Brechung) is a simple elaboration that consists of notes consonant with the prolonged harmony. It is a single movement through notes from a harmony, in the same direction, prolonging a harmonic unit by arpeggiating the notes of the triad. An arpeggiation can only prolong a triad with the exception of the dominant seventh chord. This chord is universal in tonal music that in many situations it makes sense to treat it as a consonant sonority like the triad. In Schenkerian analysis, diminutions usually prolong a harmonic unit and a particular note from that unit. In the arpeggiation (where all the notes belong to the triad), just context could enlighten the main note that is being prolonged, although diminutions are always a prolongation of either their first or last note. The Schenkerian model is a dynamic one the diminution is not static but moves either to or from a principal note. Consonant Skip is a term used by Allen Forte and by some Schenkerian analysts to refer to simple two-note (or incomplete) arpeggiations, which usually constitute some sort of unfolding. The term refers to a particular diminution in which the voice leaps from one note of the harmonic unit to another note of the same harmonic unit. A consonant skip contains only notes from the harmonic unit that it is prolonging. In a Schenkerian analysis, diminutions generally prolong either a harmonic unit or a particular note from it. As in an arpeggiation, both notes from the consonant skip are belong to the triad of the harmonic unit, thus the prolonged note depends on the context. Neighbour Note (Nebennote) is a diminution in which a note is ornamented by a figure that moves stepwise to a note above or below the original note before returning to it. In other words, it elaborates a note of a chord through stepwise motion to and/or from a dissonance. Neighbour notes may also be incomplete (move to a note a step away and not return to the original note). A complete neighbour note moves stepwise a dissonance and back again. An incomplete neighbour note can move from the dissonance to the consonance or the reverse. Passing note (Durchgang) Some Schenkerian analysts recognize most passing note progressions as Linear Progressions (see separate entry). In order to be a true linear progression, however, the passing note must be the elaboration of a harmony. A passing note right at the foreground (surface) of a piece of music may not always fulfil this condition. Examples might be a chromatic passing note or a note that connects two surface harmonies. Mixture (Mischung) is the flattening or sharpening of scale degrees, the most common of which being to à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã‚ ­, which in the first level middle ground can change the mode of the piece from major to minor. It is ornamentation rather than a diminution because it does not derive from the rules of strict counterpoint. It describes the flattening or sharpening of scale degrees and it usually appears in the first level middle ground in connection with as shown below. It has the effect of changing the mode from major to minor and back again. Schenker most often uses the term mixture to refer to alternation between the major and minor third in a tonic triad. Linear progression (Zug) is the Schenkerian term for a passing note intensification that elaborates a specific harmony in the middle ground or foreground. Its first and last notes must be a part of the harmony at the end of the progression. A linear progression can be either ascending or descending, therefore it moves only in one direction. Schenker appreciates that the linear progression is the unfolding of a two-note interval made up of its initial and final note. In other words, the interval between these notes (first and last) gives a linear progression its name. The simplest linear progression is the passing note, which is dissonant as it passes from one consonant note to another. 3. Basic principles Heinrich Schenkers analytical approach of music engages looking beneath the surface of music in order to understand how it connects into larger spans. It is important for the performer to reflect on the direction and shape of the phrases, in a natural and logical way. At the basic level, one can understand Schenkers ideas as a formalization of his intuitive thinking that music should not be regarded as a series of notes, but in terms of larger-scale shapes and patterns. The basic method of Schenkerian analysis is to show how elaborations such as neighbour and passing notes, progressions and arpeggios group into forming music. These patterns do not appear only on the surface of the music but that they also span much larger fragments. Schenker regarded music like a superposition of layers/levels, the surface layer being the elaboration of a simpler layer beneath that surface. The surface of the music defines as the foreground, the deepest layer the background and those layers of elaborations in between refer to as the middle ground. In addition, an important feature of Schenkerian analysis is showing how melodic figures are elaborations of harmonies. The basic ideas stated by Schenker in his theory are quite simple, but the process of analysis is a complicated one, mostly because music itself is complex. Analysts that approached this kind of analysis found that it provides richly rewarding insights into the shape and structure of tonal music. Schenker is probably most famous for his suggestion that musical works are elaborations of the basic model that he called the Ursatz a two-voice reductive structure forming the basis for an analytical approach that emphasizes the essential simplicity of tonal music. It shows how pieces are contrapuntal elaborations of a tonic chord. Schenker stated that we could reduce a piece of music to the Ursatz, and we can explore the complexities of the piece by considering them in relation to this simple model. Some theorists (like Steven Porter (2002)) that approached schenkerian analysis referred to grammar in order to explain the principles of Schenkers theories, taking into consideration that notes and chords that belong to a musical phrase are like words into a sentence. One analyzes a word as a part of speech, having, in the same time, a function within the sentence. Felix Salzer (1952) introduced a concept that describes very well the schenkerian analysis: structural hearing. He considered that the understanding of tonal music is a matter of hearing, and the ear has to be trained to hear not only a succession of tones (sounds), melodic lines and chord progressions, but also their coherence and structural signification. Schenkers conceptions rely on an observation that represents the corner stone of his research: the distinction of the chord grammar and chord signification (Salzer, 1952). Chord grammar signifies the usual method of analysis, this being the most important feature of a harmonic analysis that has the purpose of status recognition of the chords in a musical piece. On the other hand, the study of chord signification shows his specific role in a phrase, or an entire piece. Schenker discovered that the roles that chords have are diverse. Two identical chords that appear in the same phrase can fulfil different functions. The signification and the function of a sound or of a chord depend on the direction of the movement and on the purpose, in other words on the context. Schenker made a distinction between structure chords and prolongation chords, by means of chord grammar and signification, taking into consideration the direction of music this being the main idea of his approach. Salzer considered that this method of understanding the movement of music represents the instinctive perception of a truly musical ear; this can be called structural hearing. The structural outline and framework work signifies the main movement to its goal, showing the shortest way to it. Nevertheless, the tension of music consists in modifications, expansions and elaborations called prolongations of the structure, and the artistic coherence rises if one understands their basic direction. The distinction between structure and prolongation led Schenker to a new conception of the functions of harmony and counterpoint in creating organic unity: not all chords are of harmonic origin, this statement having an effect on understanding the music. Schenkers harmony explains the tonal system like a group of major triads derived from the harmonic series, like a vertical aspect of music. His theories of counterpoint show the way that simple progressions can be ornamented following simple rules based on the succession of consonant and dissonant intervals, like a horizontal aspect of the music. In Free Composition (1953), Schenker explains the way that harmony and counterpoint combine in tonal compositions. Using the basic principles of consonance and dissonance from the species counterpoint, Schenker identifies a number of common linear units that he named diminutions, showing, by means of concrete analyses, the way that these linear units prolong harmonic units. The concept of prolongation is the base of the schenkerian theories and because the diminutions have to prolong a harmonic unity, just a consonant tone with the harmony can give rise to a diminution. Beside the structural and prolongation roles or the diverse functions that chords can have, they can have harmonic or contrapuntal importance. A chord performs a harmonic function in the context of a fundamental progression. Schenker considers that the term harmony should only refer to members of a harmonic progression; these are harmonies in the true sense of the word, because they connect based on a harmonic association (Salzer, 1953). Chords not based on harmonic associations are products of motion, direction, and embellishment and have a horizontal tendency. Harmonic chords are also structural chords (they constitute the structural framework), and the contrapuntal ones are chords of prolongation (they prolong and elaborate the space between members of harmonic progressions).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Children and Television Violence Essay -- Media Violent Children Psych

Children and Television Violence Through what they experience on television, children are forced into adulthood at too young of an age. The innocence of youth is lost when children stare endlessly at a screen displaying the horrors of murder, rape, assault, devastating fire, and other natural disasters. Although these are occurrences in everyday life, things adults have grown accustomed to hearing about, children do not have the maturity level to deal with these tragedies appropriately. Children's behavior changes because they become desensitized to the violence. There are many preventative techniques that can be applied to ensure that negativity on television will not interfere with a child's development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children see violent acts on television and make an attempt to process it, and in doing so, their innocence is lost. According to Dr. David Elkind, president emeritus, National Association for the Education of Young Children, ?Television forces children to accommodate a great deal and inhibits the assimilation of material. Consequently, the television child knows a great deal more than he or she can ever understand. This discrepancy between how much information children have and what they can process is the major stress of television.? (160) Children?s minds are not fully developed; therefore, they can not be expected to understand the violence on television.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The media, specifically television, has become more and more violent, in not all too subtle ways, exposing many children to behaviors not appropriate to a young audience. Remember ?the Menendez brothers, who ruthlessly shot their parents as they ate ice cream and watched TV in their family room, planted in children?s minds the worst possibility -- that a parent could die violently at the hands of a child.? (Medved, et. al. 243) Seeing the violence, hearing about it, watching news reports about violent acts committed by real people, especially other children, affects the viewer negatively. Children can not relate to what they see when they are so young, making the act of watching violent television extremely questionable. Children should not know about murder and rape; however according to Gloria Tristani, Commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission, by the time they finish elementary school, children have witnessed 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of viol ence. (Tristani... violence on television, parents are helping to eliminate the desensitization that happens from witnessing such wrongdoing. Bibliography Black, Jay, and Jennings Bryant. Introduction to Media Communication. Iowa: Brown, 1995. Eisenstock, Bobbie, PhD., and Cathryn C. Borum. A Parent?s Guide to the TV Ratings and V-Chip.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Washington: Media, 1995. Elkind, David. The Hurried Child. Reading: Addison, 1981. Krcmar, Marina, and Patti M. Valkenburg. ?A Scale to Assess Children?s Moral Interpretations of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Justified and Unjustified Violence and Its Repercussions.? Communication Research Oct.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1999: 608-635. ?Lock-Out Blocks Media Violence and Provides internet Safety for Your Children.? Lock-Out! n.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  pag. 6 June 2000 . Medved, Diane, PhD., and Michael Medved. Saving Childhood. New York: HarperCollins, 1998. Medved, Michael. Hollywood VS. America. New York: HarperCollins, 1992. Nathanson, Ian. Telephone interview. 6 June 2000. Tristani, Gloria. ?Children and TV Violence Speech.? FCC 11 Feb. 1998: n. pag. 2 June 2002   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Lige

Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Ligeia The Gothic style found in the majority of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories is obvious to the average reader. The grotesque, the desolate, the horrible, the mysterious, the ghostly, and, ultimately, the intense fear are all the primary aspects of the stories which are emphasized. But few writers remain uninfluenced from their contemporaries and Poe is no exception. He is clearly a product of his time, which in terms of literature, is called the Romantic era. Poe combines these two threads in almost all of his stories. For this reason critics often call Poe’s style â€Å"Gothic Romanticism.† The two stories â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† and â€Å"Ligeia† are very similar to Poe’s other short stories, in that they to have this thread of Gothic Romanticism. The Gothic and Romantic themes can be analyzed separately in each of these two stories but together these themes drive the plot and the ultimate success of each. One common characteristic of Romanticism is the importance of the intuitive and emotional and the rejection of the rational and intellectual. Such is the case in â€Å"Usher.† Those who are skeptical of Poe’s Romantic influences would use this aspect of Romanticism to claim that he is not a Romantic because throughout the story the narrator attempts to explain the unexplainable with the rational. An example of this is when the narrator attributes an â€Å"iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart† merely to the â€Å"combination of very natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us† (Poe, â€Å"Usher†). This argument is week because the narrator fails miserably to provide solid rational explanations for these â€Å"strange† events and f... ...ic thread seek to further Poe’s overall goal of terror. Either they develop the character in such a way that would increase the gloomy, mysterious, and supernatural mood of the stories, establish the mood through the setting, or help to further this mood in some other way. The combination of the Romantic thread in these two stories is no different. Poe uses various aspects of Romanticism, such as obscurity and the emphasis of emotion and intuition to increase the terror felt by the reader. But perhaps, the most important aspect of Romanticism is one which is also common in the Gothic tradition is the emphasis on one effect. In the Gothic tradition this single effect is that of terror. â€Å"Ligeia† and â€Å"Usher† are no different in that Poe establishes this terror through the use of his own style of Gothic Romanticism. 2177 1 Marlow Engl. 12 Sect. 37 Comparing Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Lige Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Ligeia The Gothic style found in the majority of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories is obvious to the average reader. The grotesque, the desolate, the horrible, the mysterious, the ghostly, and, ultimately, the intense fear are all the primary aspects of the stories which are emphasized. But few writers remain uninfluenced from their contemporaries and Poe is no exception. He is clearly a product of his time, which in terms of literature, is called the Romantic era. Poe combines these two threads in almost all of his stories. For this reason critics often call Poe’s style â€Å"Gothic Romanticism.† The two stories â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† and â€Å"Ligeia† are very similar to Poe’s other short stories, in that they to have this thread of Gothic Romanticism. The Gothic and Romantic themes can be analyzed separately in each of these two stories but together these themes drive the plot and the ultimate success of each. One common characteristic of Romanticism is the importance of the intuitive and emotional and the rejection of the rational and intellectual. Such is the case in â€Å"Usher.† Those who are skeptical of Poe’s Romantic influences would use this aspect of Romanticism to claim that he is not a Romantic because throughout the story the narrator attempts to explain the unexplainable with the rational. An example of this is when the narrator attributes an â€Å"iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart† merely to the â€Å"combination of very natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us† (Poe, â€Å"Usher†). This argument is week because the narrator fails miserably to provide solid rational explanations for these â€Å"strange† events and f... ...ic thread seek to further Poe’s overall goal of terror. Either they develop the character in such a way that would increase the gloomy, mysterious, and supernatural mood of the stories, establish the mood through the setting, or help to further this mood in some other way. The combination of the Romantic thread in these two stories is no different. Poe uses various aspects of Romanticism, such as obscurity and the emphasis of emotion and intuition to increase the terror felt by the reader. But perhaps, the most important aspect of Romanticism is one which is also common in the Gothic tradition is the emphasis on one effect. In the Gothic tradition this single effect is that of terror. â€Å"Ligeia† and â€Å"Usher† are no different in that Poe establishes this terror through the use of his own style of Gothic Romanticism. 2177 1 Marlow Engl. 12 Sect. 37

Bushs Speech to the Nation: Regaining Confidence :: Essays Papers

Bush's Speech to the Nation: Regaining Confidence On September 11 2001, the American public's image of continental security was shattered in the form of terrorist hijacked passenger planes slamming first into the world trade center towers in New York and then the Pentagon in Washington DC. America prior to the incident had been a peaceful unsuspecting economic giant. "Americans have known wars -- but for the past 136 years, they have been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941" (Bush par.11). The week following the suicide jet liner attacks found Americans filled with anger, fear, and a missing sense of direction. The public was at a complete loss concerning why the tragic act occurred and the steps that were being taken to overcome it. Only nine days after the attack, the public got its answers in the form of a presidential speech given from the capitol building in Washington DC. On September 20 2001, President George W. Bush's speech regained the public's confidence by speaking of justice, public safety, and unity. The most predominant strategy Bush uses to gain civic confidence is letting the public know justice will be delivered: "Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done" (par.5). This quote from Bush gives insight into why justice is an important topic for bringing America alive. Knowing the public is enraged and has revenge on its' mind, Bush shows a similar determination. In doing so, he reassures society that vengeance is on the right path. Bush makes the ultimate demands on the network of terrorist believed to be responsible, creating confidence from the publics desire for retribution: "Close immediately and permanently every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, and hand over every terrorist, and every person in their support structure, to appropriate authorities. (Applause.) Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps, so we can make sure they are no longer operating. These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion"(par.21). According to former FBI agent G. Gordon Liddy, these requests are successful at reassuring the public because unconditional surrender is a convincing way to communicate to Americans that the President means business: "General U.S. 'Unconditional Surrender' Grant received unconditional surrender from General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House to end America's bloodiest war. Such was never the goal in Vietnam or the Gulf War.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Factor affecting pulse rate Essay

Our heart is a muscle. It’s located a little to the left of the middle of our chest, and it’s about the size of our fist. There are lots of muscles all over our body — in our arms, in our legs, in our back etc. But the heart muscle is special because of what it does. The heart sends blood around our body. The blood provides our body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. Our heart is sort of like a pump or two pumps in one. The right side of our heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart does the exact opposite: It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. Every time when blood travels through heart it produces a sound called lub-dub. Lub happens when the upper chambers of the heart contract to squeeze the blood downward into the ventricles. A dub happens when the lower chambers contract. Every time the lower chambers of the heart contract, the blood in the left ventricle rushes upward into the aorta. It quickly speeds away from the heart causing the aorta to expand as it passes. As the blood races along, some of it pushes into the first artery that branches off from the aorta. Some of the blood enters the next artery. The blood from each contraction of the heart produces a bulge in the artery. This bulge of the arteries is called a pulse. One pulse is equal to one Heartbeat. The rate at which heart beats is called pulse rate. It can be varied by various factors such as:- Body Build and Size. A short, fat person may have a higher rate than a tall, slender person. The larger the size, the slower the rate. For example, a grizzly bear has a heart rate of about 30 beats a minute while a hummingbird’s is about 200 beats per minute. Gender: a woman’s heart rate is generally faster than a man’s. Age: generally the younger a person is, the faster the heart rate. An infant’s heart rate is about 120 beats per minute; a child’s is around 100; an adult’s is between 70 and 80; an elderly person generally hovers in the 60s. Exercise and Muscular Activity. An  increase in pulse rate will occur with increased activity to meet increased oxygen and nutrient demands. A regular aerobic exercise program can lower the resting pulse. A person, who exercises a great deal, such as an athlete, will develop bradycardia that is a normal, health condition. The body slows the heartbeat to compensate for the greater volume of blood pumped with each beat. Emotional Status. Fear, anger, and anxiety will all increase the pulse rate. Hormones: influence heart rate, especially epinephrine, norepinephrine, and thyroid hormones, all of which can increase the rate. Pathology: certain diseases affect heart rate, causing it either to slow or to race. Medications and drugs: Stimulants will increase the pulse rate; depressants will decrease the pulse rate. For example, Digitalis slows the rate, while epinephrine (Adrenalin) increases it. Caffeine can also cause palpitations or extra beats. Blood Pressure. As the blood pressure decreases, the pulse will frequently increase. Elevated Body Temperature. The pulse increases approximately 10 beats per minute for every 1 F (0.56 º C) increase in body temperature. These conditions cause a temporary increase in the heartbeat and pulse. Pain. When the patient is in pain, the pulse rate will increase. Hypothesis I think that exercise will vary the pulse rate because when we are working out or exercising, oxygen is released from our body more rapidly as the cells metabolize and use up the oxygen quicker, and so our body requires a greater amount of oxygen. Due to which our heart rate increases to carry oxygenated blood to our muscles and organs. Hence, increasing our pulse rate. Variables Independent Variable: In this the independent variable is exercise because the pulse rate is varied by the exercise we do. Dependent Variable: In this the dependant variable is the pulse rate because it is dependent on exercise and many other factors that are kept constant. Constant Variable: In this all other factors excluding exercise are kept constant. This allows us to measure the effect of exercise on pulse rate and minimize confounding effects due to any other factors that may influence heart rate. Apparatus and Procedure Stop watch 1. Sit down comfortably on a chair, locate the pulse and calculate the number of pulse per minute. 2. Walk gently measuring different feet and calculate the pulse rate after each distance. 3. Repeat these steps twice and calculate the average number of pulses per minute and record. Observation table 1. Person-1 Pulse rate after walking 1 2 3 Average pulse rate At rest 74 72 77 74 100 feet 74 77 78 76 200 feet 77 79 76 77 300 feet 81 85 82 82 400 feet 87 84 89 86 500 feet 93 91 96 93 2. Person-2 Pulse rate after walking 1 2 3 Average pulse rate Pulse rate at rest 70 75 73 72 100 feet 73 72 77 74 200 feet 78 74 80 77 300 feet 79 81 83 81 400 feet 85 82 88 85 500 feet 91 94 98 94 3. Person-3 Pulse rate at rest 1 2 3 Average pulse rate Pulse rate at rest 73 72 75 73 100 feet 77 84 87 82 200 feet 94 96 93 94 300 feet 104 106 107 105 400 feet 104 110 108 107 500 feet 106 109 104 106 Conclusion BY observing my graphs I came to the conclusion that exercise raises the pulse rate because When the body is exercising the muscles respire to produce energy, so the muscles can contract. Oxygen is needed, the oxygen is carried in the haemoglobin of the red blood cell. The heart and lungs need to work harder in order to get a greater amount of oxygen to the muscles for respiration. In muscle cells digested food substances are oxidised to release energy. The heart rate rises because during exercise, respiration in the muscles increases, so the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises. Carbon dioxide is slightly acid; the brain detects the rising acidity in the blood, the brain then sends a signal through the nervous system to the lungs to breathe faster and deeper. Gaseous exchange in the lungs increases allowing more oxygen into the circulatory system and removing more carbon dioxide. The brain then sends a signal to make the heart beat faster. As a result this, heart rate would rise. My graph confirms my hypothesis in that as the length of exercise is increased, the number of beats per minute rises. Hence the result shown by our experiment seems to be correct. Therefore I think that the procedure we used was reliable. Although there are some sources of error but these do not makes much difference and can be ignored. Sources of error As experiment is fully performed by humans so there are some human errors involved in the experiment. Firstly, we didn’t use pulse rate meter so there may be some errors in counting the pulse rate making some changes to our  result. Secondly, the person might not have properly relaxed so; factors like stress, excitement can affect the pulse rate making changes to our result. Thirdly, it took time to count the pulse rate after exercise, because of which the increased pulse rate might have come to normal in this meantime. Improvements By making some improvements in our experiment we could get more better and exact result. For example Instead of counting the pulse we could have used pulse rate meter to calculate pulse rate. Secondly, we could have taken pulse rate of more persons for better and accurate result.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

English Poem Essay

The bicycle of military spellners pokings to each(prenominal) one rough sensation to prevail with with(predicate) distinct st epochs until fin anyy increment adulthood. All the ups and d accepts, experiences, learning, standing up for him/herself , argon travel into reaching the final cross steering maturity. A climax of mount up deal of a whiz, a dunce who is heraldic bearing up to this world to traink for his possess destiny, his future t wizard for answers, and sack through various types of experiences. But what drives a younker to harbor this risk ?T here mustiness be a reason for an individual to take such a locomote at a teen dated age, and comm entirely and most probably it is an emotional loss, this tush be described as something religious or in the form of an individual. This help is heading for his maturity, to reach it, he exit gradu whollyy go through blackguards that present difficulties he has to face. This lad is missing to be ac cepted by the frame of magnitude he lives in as the good individual he is faceking to achieve. The reassign a person undergoes to attain a perfect transformation from a young person to adulthood focuses on the psychological and righteous stand upth he/she achieves.The regeneration of a young macrocosm to a man varies in different societies, maturity dep fires on several factors that differ amongst societies, some con berthr sexual maturity as in early adolescence as a sign for maturity, and otherwises take marriage as the conformation an individual takes to prove his maturity, his diversity from the dunce he one fourth dimension was to the senesce man he is now. The double I Do is the configuration of choice recognize by the law which is the formal colligation of two individuals matured beautiful, responsible enough, and sensitive by the action they argon taking, and they go for it.What circumstances populate go through that drive them to step let on from na ivety to reach adultness which every(prenominal)ows them to take big decisions such as marriage ? When an individual pushes himself to struggleds mentation that he is now mature enough to take his stimulate decisions concerning his invigoration and future, he is that individual who has been through a batch of events, through a lot of disappointments and sullen out to be un commodious with anything he did, or nything hes been through, and nevertheless go d admits that next step will be to satisfy only he is own ineluctably, without taking into consideration anyone in the contact for they were no attend to what he once needed. In flighty conditions the raw, an important issue stands out and that is the danger of Tambu for fastenting who she re whollyy is, where did she dumbfound from, and moreover get taken by the unexampled sustenance she is offered at the armorial bearing. Tambu lives in a purchase order with gender discrimination, she had to be enslaved by the masculines in her family while her buddy Nhamo got that obtain to get educated and set forth the filth they live in behind.Dang atomic number 18mba started her figment with I was not sorry when my familiar died. Nor am I apologizing for my callousness, as you may define it, my lack of feeling. For that is not that at all. I feel some(prenominal) things these long judgment of conviction much more than I was fit to feel in the eld when I was young and my crony died, and there ar reasons for this more than the mere consequence of age (page1), form here we can see that Tambu was quick-witted for her brothers death, not that she pauperismed him to die, unless his death was the only way she can go to the mission to get the education she always dreamt of.She had the ambition, and the grave to study, what was left is the opportunity, and as soon as her brother died she knew she got that opportunity she was seeking for. Her brothers death was the beginning of her feel ch anging mission, it was her time to leave the days where she employ to carry the pure pissing for the men to wash their attains with it at first, and then the females of the family are left with the stinky water to use, she was ready and more than happy to leave all of this and go to a whole new place to gain the power she needed to rise, to feel satisfied with the liveliness she was given.In Babamukurus tolerate she was introduced to a new world she was removed away than acquire, she saw the difference between the females in her hometown and the females at the mission, she saw how high they were to be women, and fought for their rights , she is shown how to deal with her feminist side and to embrace the fact she is born a female, and most of what she learned was from her cousin Nayasha. era passing through all this kind of defend, and adapting with her new habitat, Tambu was loosing who she really is, the Shona she is, opposed Nayasha who has nought to loose of her Sh ona part for he doesnt even know it. Thus this forms a great big gap intimate of Tambu, the anger she feels and dissatisfaction of the bearing she has doesnt do her further punishment for disobeying the authorities who are in her case the males of the family. In the African countries a place where Tambu came from, the traditions of marriage is when the bride moves to the saves house, and thus the authority the tonic once had on the bride transfers to he husband, from male to male.In the novel we can see that Maiguru the h grayer of a masters degree is still under her husbands authority, and although he gives her the freedom to do whatsoever she wants by running away, she chooses to come cover charge home showing that she is under the mans control. Tambus coming of age process takes place within the defiance of diverse females in her family against dejection of sexism, and colonialism, and racial discrimination they go through. Tambu at the beginning of the write up is a you ng girl who the supports requirements pushes her to be very mature collectable to her situation.For from the morsel she was a young girl she was responsible to take handle of her sisters, does excessive chores, worries about her mother and her family in general. She chooses to do extra chores in order to lessen her mothers burden, in addition to finding a new way by her own to get herself punt to school because her father was not going to offer her any help to make it knock. But the time where Tambu showed that she reached juvenile is when she shows hybridity between tradition and modernity, although she got westernized or englishized til now she hold on to her traditions and evolved in society as well.At the end of the novel Tambu shows that she put he own needs in a higher place anyones suggestions, and she did what she found suits her outperform, at that time she chose to go to sacred aggregate although each one of her family stood against taking this option, alone s he refused to be sired to the males in her family and chose to do what she thinks is the best for her gaining the satisfaction she was running subsequently on, in this way i banished my suspicion,buried it in the depths of my subconscious, and happily went covering to Sacred Heart. (p208) And the last paragraph in the novel is the paragraph that shows that Tambu finally got what she wants and started honeyed with a new beginning cognise that she is the master of her life, and the one writing her own account statement in her own way, it was a process whose events stretched over many categorys and would fill another volume, but the recital I have told here, is my own report card, the chronicle of four women whom I love, and our men, this story is how it all began. (p208)The kite Runner un the like Nervous Conditions shows a delayed coming of age story. ameer the protagonist in this story extends his sore adolescence through unrighteousness and silence until reaching the age of forty and after his marriage is the time where he decides to puzzle everything he did wrong. The kite runner dialogue about two friends who are personality together amir and Hassan, where Hassan served emeer and love him enough to do whatever he asks him to do, he gave Amir everything while in return he got nothing but trouble.Hassan and Amir at first lived as two little innocent kids looking for journey and experience, the difference between the two was that Hassan was ready to do whatever Amir wants from him due to the love he feels towards him, an verity to his one and only friend, but on the contrary Amir was selfish and self-centered all his thoughts was only about him, he never cared about anyone but himself and his biggest struggle was to please baba, who was harsh on him to drive him to be a man. I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be.I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan-the way hed stood up for me all those generation in the past-and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran. (p84) , the moment Amir said those course was the most he admits his selfishness, coward, lack of innocence, and what a backstabber he is. When Amir accuses Hasan for stealing his fascinate although Hassan never did so, he took the blame because he knew that this is what Amir wants so he just did it, and that caused him to leave Babas house, and find his own way with his own father.Later on Amir and Baba traveled to the States due to the war Afghanistan is going through, years later in America Baba dies, and Amir marries Soraya a girl who taught him courage and to be bold, things he doesnt have yet he wishes he did, he hopes to be as courage as what Soraya has shown him. When Amir gets a call from an old friend of him tattle him to come back to Afghanistan and that there is a way to be good again, Amir took the choice of going, at that moment Amir decided to step ou t of his bubble, be mature, and correct the mistakes he had done.He went back to Afghanistan, looked for Hassan and felt devastated to know about Hassans death, so he made his life mission to look for his son and take him under his care. He sacrificed himself to rescue him from the people who owned him(Assef), then took him back with him to America and treated him as if his own, for Amir had count on out that hes futile of having babyren. And continued his life serving Sohrab ( Hassans son) the way Hassan once served him, where at the end of the story he repeats the words Hassan used to healthy out him For you a thousand clock over,(p401).Whats different in this story form other coming f age stories that he reaches adultness after getting married due to what his wife showed of verity ,courage, and boldness he never had. And unlike Tambu, the ambition and sexism she went through in her life is what pushed her towards growing maturity in a young age, while Amir his guilt and s ilence are what drived him to maturity but at a delayed time form that of Nervous Conditions.In the tertiary novel Beasts Of No Nation, the protagonist is a cardinal year old male minor named Agu . Agu is just a kid who doesnt know what to do , and has no one to guide him through especially, after windup up between a free radical of people who claim to be soldiers , this seven year old kid has no choice but to do what they tell him in order to fight for his life , so being agonistic to sweep away someone or otherwise you die, these are the two options a seven year old was facing, this is what drives a kid to grow sooner than expected.This youth who was lost, confused and has no idea what to do or where to go, and finds out that his destiny is chosen for him to join a assemblage of filthy terrorists claiming that what they do is percentage the villages from sinking. This choice that was obliged on him took him away from the life he was happily accompaniment in, stole his d reams away and placed him in front of war and killing. I was having many friends in my village because all of the other children were that Im a nice male child , and also Im the best at all of the racy and all the lesson we are learning.So they are all liking me and wanting to be my friend . ( p 29 ) The infantile language he uses, the improper english, all shows the innocence of a child, you can some see a normal kid , dreaming , and just having fun , to an effect that youd never think he could kill , and how about killing and pleasing the pleasure it brings? The first time the commanding officer orders Agu to kill someone Agu struggles of what he needs and what he has to do, he doesnt want to kill the man, but either the man dies of he does, it is a battle for battle for his own life, Then I am smasher his shoulder and then his titty and looking at how Commandant is joyous each time my knife is hitting the man.It is like the world is moving so slowly and I am compre hend each drop of declivity and each drop of sweat flying here and there. I am hearing the dame flapping their wing as they are leaving all the tree. It is sounding like thunder. I am hearing the mosquito go in my ear so cheapjack and I am feeling how the countercurrent is just wetting on my rowlock and my face (p. 21). And then the maturity he reaches was shaped in the fact that he love to kill later on, loved the excitement and pleasure it gets, I am raising my knife high above my head.I am liking the sound of knife chopping KPWUDA KPWUDA on her head and how the blood is just splashing on my hand and my face and my feets. ( p 51 ), this is the moment when Agu was brainwashed to form a spirit with the love to kill in a little male childs body. This transition Agu undergoes from the innocent child with dreams and ambition he once was to the killer in a seven year old boy body he now is, shows how the path he took was the one he was forced to take, pressured him into being the way he is now.The life situations of leaving his family and being pushed into a group of gorillas who claim to be soldiers made a little boy form victim to a murderer, but then when the time was for him to be rescued he recalls all the dreams he had, the family he loved, and the little boy he didnt have the chance to be, and decides to be good again, but he knows he cannot get back to the child life he had, but he can still be good, for all the events, the war, the commandant, the soldiers, forced a little boy to grow too early,I am knowing I am no more child so if this war is ending I cannot be going back to doing child thing. The three stories each talk about a protagonist who is forced to grow into maturity because of a certain life situations he/she confront. Tambu faced the situation of racism, sexism, and colonialism which pushed her behind chasing her dreams and her ambitions. Amir had a delayed adolescence but the guilt he was full with is what made him correct the mist akes his naivety made him do.And Agu the seven year old never knew how a child life is, and all he faced was war, orders, killing, and had no other choice but to do what he was forced into, and thus this child no longer exists, but a man in a childs body is now found. The coming of age process of these three different characters follows the bildungsroman genre of how a protagonist through experience and socialization moves from naivety to maturity, in other words defining what a bildungsroman is all about, the moral and psychological ingathering of the main character.